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- “Johnny Filion is technically very skilled and nothing is left to chance, his continuous torque is contagious, it infects”.     (Westfalen Blatt, Bielefeld)



- “…comedian Johnny Filion, a turbulent mixture of slapstick and insane drama.”

         (Stuttgarter Wochenblatt)



- “... A cross between Mr.. Bean and Tommy Cooper... he brings all ages to laugh. “                                     (De Volkskrant, Utrecht)



- " Those who have no idea of chaos, should not miss Johnny Filion."  

          (Stadt Anzeiger, Munster)




- “ Das Ganze ist so absurd, dass man immer lauter lachen muss, je länger er herumalbert.”

          (Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin)



- “All the craziness of the evening culminated ultimately with Johnny Filion, who could hardly decide what nonsense he should do next.      (Informer Magazine, Essen)



- “ Hyperactive physical comedy of unusual nature.”             (Westfalen Blatt, Bielefeld)



- “...virtuoso clown whom the very memory will make your side split.”  (Israel Journal)



- “ …get more laughs out of a bullhorn than should be allowed.”                  (Los Angeles Times)



- “ Was immer er findet, baut er in seine absurde Clownerie ein-und reisst die Zuschauer damit zu Lachsalven hin.”     (Maerkiische Oderzeitung, Berlin)



- “…perform some brilliantly inventive material, has a sure instinct for timing and for the way a small gesture or expression can get a very big laugh.”       (Ottawa Citizen)



- " ...downright crazy manic, with perfectly constructed comedy."    (Event Magazine, Essen)



- “…capable of producing the kind of laughter that has one falling out of his chair...gets my vote as the discovery of the season.”                (Irvine Times, Los Angeles)



- " A mixture of slapstick paired with seemingly endless hyperactivity..."  (Der Pott Magazine)



- " Johnny Filion is a legacy of the great comedians of the silent film."   (WDR.DE)



- " Secret star of the evening is undoubtedly the Canadian Johnny Filion. The more gags he fires, the more laughter, gorgeous! "     (



- “ of the funniest clowns Cirque du Soleil has fielded in a long time.”   (San Francisco Examiner)

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